Is it normal for latex underwear to smell?

Nowadays, many products are promoting “latex products”. Not only mattresses and pillows, but also the underwear industry has begun to develop latex products, so all of a sudden, all kinds of good and bad underwear have emerged on the market.

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Many people think that “smelly” latex underwear is not good underwear. Really good latex underwear should not have smell. But in fact, it is not true. Really good latex underwear has a bit of flavor, but this “taste” is also particular and classified.

First of all, we must make it clear that natural latex collagen will have a natural smell after foaming and vulcanization, similar to the smell of medical gloves. It is just that the smell of good quality latex mattresses is relatively light, separated by a layer of fabric or Basically, you can’t smell the condom, but if the smell is too strong, you need to pay attention. This is because of problems with the formula, poor selection of the original solution, or incomplete washing of the production water.

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If you smell a smell of chemical additives, then you should pay attention. You must not buy such latex underwear. This is the cheapest synthetic latex underwear;

If the smell smells like a camera or gloves, it means that the latex collagen used in this underwear is not particularly good, it can only be said to be average.

However, if what you smell is a light latex fragrance or a light rubber smell, then this kind of latex collagen is better latex, and you can buy it with confidence.

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Learning to identify the good and bad latex on the market is also very important for our own healthy life, because choosing a good latex underwear will have a long service life.

Post time: Dec-13-2023